

Aircraft - Planes - Drones
Armored Vehicles
Body Armor and Combat Gear
Counter Defensive Weapons
Counter Defensive Weapons
Counter Offensive Weapons
Drone Swarms:
Electro-Magnetic Pulse weapons
Electro-Magnetic Shielding
Heavy Mil-Equipment
High Energy Pulse weapons
Munitions - Heavy
Pop-Up Gatling gun turrets
Pop-Up high energy laser weapons
Rail gun weapons
Rail gun Gatling guns turrets
Retaliation for hire
Revenge from the grave for hire:
    Overall insurance policy that your
    murderer will be killed.
Security for Hire
Small arms (Rifles, Pistols, Other)

All illegal items for sale from around the world. Delivered around the world.
Why should the rich have access to the wares that are afforded them.
Properties offered in this site are mostly illegal in many countries.
We deal in the Exotic Weapons Defense Systems and Operations.

We do not take sides. World Wide Warehouses.

Small orders accepted

Whether you are a Hero, Villain, Underfunded Government Agency or Agency Operative/s we can support you.
As we know point of View, Describes You and your actions.
We do hold the final approval of your purchase, so please be Honest when applying for items.

We do not prescribe to government control, laws of man or country. We prescribe to Money.

We have a level of support for all.

We understand that becoming a worldwide Savor, or Threat is difficult.
We have the solutions for you:
Do you need strategic defenses or embedded spy's?
We currently have personnel in all branches of government in these countries:
China, Russia, Finland, Sweden, India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Jordon, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Sudia Arabia, UAE, Israel, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, UK, Ireland, Spain, Japan, N. Korea, S. Korea, All of Central and South America, Canada, Mexico and the USA.

We Offer:
Body Armor and Combat Gear
Small arms (Rifles, Pistols, Other)
Counter Defensive Weapons
Counter Offensive Weapons
Pop-Up Gatling gun turrets
Pop-Up high energy laser weapons
Rail gun weapons
Rail gun Gatling guns turrets
High Energy Pulse weapons
Electro-Magnetic Pulse weapons
Electro-Magnetic Shielding
High end vehicles
  Armored Vehicles
  Weaponized and Armored Vehicles
  James Bond, Mac Bolan, and other super hero's/villain's designed equipment
  These are vehicles that are above description
  Defensive and Offensive protections are included and set to a degree of lethality in order to protect the occupant
  Vehicle options that help with escape and evasion Including Stealth and other assorted technologies.
  Defensive Driving Courses also available
Drone Swarms:
  Offensive & Defensive Auto Swam Protective and Deterrence
  Cronos 1st Strike Group (Massive Drone Attacks for rent deployed anywhere in the world)
  Cronos 2nd Strike Group (Massive Drone Attacks for rent deployed anywhere in the world)
  Different levels of Minions available for the Savor/Villain:
  C - level
    Manager or M - Level
      With Previous experience
    War Manager or WM-Level
      With Previous experience
    Junior manager or JM - Level
    Solider Level
  Quaaludes - remanufactured drugs and others are available made from the products the originals were made from
  Cocaine, Crack, Marijuana, Uppers, Downers, Meth, Other types also available
  When in China - China White: They are watching you. We see you also.

  All types, All Calibers but limited quantities
    Larger Quantities Special Order
  All makes including missiles, grenades and other offensive and defensive mines (Claymore Mine Style)
  Full automatic, Semi-Auto Mil-Style Weaponry Available
    Field team
    Defensive, Offensive
Security for Hire
Retaliation for hire
Revenge from the grave for hire: Overall insurance policy that your murderer will be killed.
  Offensive Grounds Attack
    Swarm Attack Groups
    For Hire
    Modules of protection/attack drones
    Central Control

  Overall Air & Structure & Ground Coverage
    Protection from:
    Drone attack
    Air Attack
    Missile Attack
  Structure Coverage
    Protection from:
    Drone attack
    Air Attack
    Missile Attack
  Air Coverage
    Protection from:
    Drone attack
    Air Attack
    Missile Attack
  Counter Attack
    Against all Enemies
  Money Laundering
  Bribery and Bribing
  Business Opportunities
  Within Specific Government
  Current Government Plots
  You want to buy specific secrets to a specific country, let us know.
  You want to sell secrets from your country, or another country, let us know.
Do You want to be a Super Villain? Then you need tools...
Are You currently are a Super Villain? Then you need new equipment...
Does Batman Exist? Yes, but he doesn't go by Batman...
  Batman's defensive weapons
  Operational Craft
  Offensive weaponry

This is James Bond on Steroids'
Being bullied by a large company or group of people, no problem. Call us and we will come on down and fix the problem for you. Does not matter who they are.
reset standards of operation in your area.
Electronic Gadgets
  Tools of the trade...

  Safe Houses: Classified
  Hitmans' Handbook
  Poor Man james bond
  The Anarchist Cookbook
  The Assassins' Handbook

All Access, to Any Link / Data is "Pay to Play"
Find the Secret Link to register an account... It is not on this page...